CIO Agenda


Often, a CIO’s word is law. That means their agenda is always the guiding force behind new implementations, annual budgets and even project schedules. Understanding the nature of a CIO’s agenda can help provide strategic insight that allows you to adjust your plans accordingly, and may even present unique options for career progression.

Transitions related to new technologies means more companies are going to experience skill gaps within their IT teams. Finding ways to anticipate these shortages can help a CIO reach the goals associated with their larger agenda while also lowering stress on tech professionals that are currently working as part of the team.

To help you anticipate where your CIO would like to take the company during 2017, consider some of these common top priorities as a starting point.

Cloud Solutions

The cloud continues to be a major agenda item for CIOs across multiple industries. And while the available experience within your current workforce is likely more experience than when this technology first began to affect standard infrastructure planning, you might not be as well covered as you need to be.

Regardless of whether your current team is resistant to the transition, it is likely a wave that simply cannot be stopped. This means either the team needs to be open to learning new skills related to supporting the transition or additional employees may be required (often at the expense of existing ones) to provide the necessary capabilities. When possible, focus on training and education, especially among top performers who are motivated to change with the industry. But, if those efforts aren’t sufficient, be prepared to recruit the skills you need.

Leadership Development

CIOs are acutely aware of the retirement intentions of many members of the Baby Boomer generation and may consider themselves to be one of those people. However, there are concerns about the readiness of younger workers who may ultimately need to step into these positions. This means leadership development efforts will be a priority for many companies who intend to get ahead of any anticipated retirements.

Training and mentoring opportunities are going to be a valuable part of the business landscape and will lead to promotions and other forms of career growth. Creating these options will be a key to long-term success, as well as identifying those who are most likely to excel when given a chance to participate in these programs.


Security is always on a CIO’s radar. Questions about privacy and compliance can complicate these efforts and can lead to significant change. Couple that with the increased use of Security-as-a-Service options and the IT security landscape is going to shift even further.

In cases where a shortage of IT security professionals makes hiring difficult, more CIOs will become open to the idea of outsourcing the activity. And that decision will change the number of security professionals that will be required to maintain a suitable standard.

However, like leadership development, offering training and educational opportunities to current employees can be a method for closing skill gaps and may justify keeping security in-house. Depending on your CIO’s general stance on outsourcing, it is important to be prepared to support efforts in either direction.

If you are looking to fill skill gaps with new IT employees, the professionals at ITStaff Technical Resources can help identify the candidates you need. Contact us and speak to a recruitment specialist today to see how our services can help support your CIO’s agenda through 2017 and beyond.

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