What Big Data Means for IT Operations


As businesses have become more technologically dependent, IT departments have been tasked with a wider range of duties and responsibilities. Often, these professionals are responsible for managing internal systems and supporting the business directly, managing cloud-based solutions and externally acquired data, and managing the security risks that come from an ever-growing range of systems. As… Read more »

What are the Most In-Demand Tech Skills of 2017?


In-Demand Tech Skills

If you’ve decided to make 2017 the year you score a new job or land a promotion, then it helps to have the right IT skills to move your career forward. While most tech pros have something to offer, those with this the right skills are especially well positioned in today’s job market. So, if… Read more »

10 Essential Skills the Best IT Project Managers Possess


Project Management

Every job requires a unique combination of skills to be successful, and IT project management is no exception. However, there are certain capabilities that are fairly specific to project manager roles, and possessing them often is considered essential for the work. If you are interested in pursuing a career in IT project management, here are… Read more »

Is Your Company Ready for the Future?


Get Ready for the Future

Change in business is inevitable. But even though that fact is widely recognized, that doesn’t mean all companies are prepared for the future. New technologies are always in development, and existing solutions often see updates and revamps that fundamentally shift how certain activities are managed. Failing to stay apprised of upcoming trends means your organization… Read more »

Open Source Software and Digital Disruption


Open Source Software and Digital Disruption

The speed at which software-oriented solutions enter the marketplace seem only to be accelerating and, in many cases, disrupts previously stable industries across the country. Advances in software have crippled less technologically advanced competitors in key markets including how movies are enjoyed in homes across the country, how people find transportation through cities, and how… Read more »

How the Latest Technologies Can Improve Product Lifecycle Management


How the Latest Technologies Can Improve Product Lifecycle Management

Traditional product development processes were often managed in silos. Internal lab systems were accessible to a select few and weren’t readily available outside of the workplace. Downstream workers were incidentally kept out of the early stages of the development process but were responsible for key actions associated with the commercialization of new products prior to… Read more »

Hadoop: The Secret to Making the Most of IoT


Hadoop is the Secret of IoT

Big data gives businesses a chance to understand their customers in ways they never have before, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is creating new data at unprecedented rates. But data is only valuable if you can leverage it properly. And Hadoop can be the key to big data success. Hadoop provides a mechanism for… Read more »

3 Trends in Product Development Are Changing When CIOs Get Involved


Product Development and CIOs

Product development was once predominately outside of the CIO’s realm of responsibility until the product was near completion. Once the majority of the work was complete, tech teams would begin connecting relevant aspects to internal and external systems based on facilitating sales, managing fulfillment, and providing various levels of support. Now, product development enters the… Read more »

Why Do Data Scientists Have the Best Jobs in America?


Data Scientists Have the Best Jobs in America

Some statistics suggest that data scientists have the best jobs in America. But what about these positions make them such an ideal path for so many? To help see the various benefits of working as a data scientist in today’s job market, consider these key points. Job Satisfaction A big component of being happy in… Read more »

What’s on a CIO’s Agenda for 2017?


CIO Agenda

Often, a CIO’s word is law. That means their agenda is always the guiding force behind new implementations, annual budgets and even project schedules. Understanding the nature of a CIO’s agenda can help provide strategic insight that allows you to adjust your plans accordingly, and may even present unique options for career progression. Transitions related… Read more »